Are you making a habit of success or failure?

Do you make commitments to yourself and others and frequently follow through? Or, do you repeat the same frustrating scenarios over and over?

It may be as simple as not waking up on time, not reading the book you meant to read, or not putting forth the best effort in your job.

By not making a habit of succeeding in the small corners of our daily lives, we cannot expect to succeed in the big arena.

Make a habit of success. Here are three things to do now and begin the habit of succeeding.

1. Identify a Quick Win

Pick a small habit that you can accomplish with little effort each day. It may be making your bed, washing the dishes, or (wink wink) doing your Define My Day journal. Try to make this a morning habit around your home that you can build into your daily morning ritual. That way, there is less chance of something else getting in the way. Do it each and every day no matter how unmotivated you feel.

2. Find a Partner

An accountability partner can be a big help in developing new success habits. Many times, when we are willing to quit on ourselves, we won’t quit on someone else. Find someone that has a similar interest in self-improvement that you believe will be as committed as you. Develop a frequent reporting schedule and follow through on your habit while also holding them accountable.

3. Add New Habits

As you begin to gain momentum on your first success habit, add more. Don’t select habits that will be very difficult but make them ones that will improve your day. Here are some examples:

  • Give a loved one a hug
  • Brush your teeth after every meal
  • Exercise
  • Read
  • Block off time to focus on a priority
  • Meditate
  • Sleep 8 hours
  • Drink enough water
  • Journal every night

You can even make habits from things that you know others would want you to do. If you know that your loved one would really appreciate it if you did the dishes, make it a daily habit for yourself. Can you imagine how much better your relationship would be? Wouldn’t that feel like success? That single action can have a huge positive impact on not only yourself but someone else. That’s success.

Sit back and think of a small task that could give you a sense of satisfaction, improve your overall health, and maybe even help someone else. Pick that one thing that will give you a small, daily win. Then keep stacking more day after day. That’s how you build a habit of success.