I often get requests for what books I’ve read – What gave me the most insight or helped the most.

For me, it’s all about the season of life that I’m in. A book that may offer limited value now could be amazing in a few months. So I buy ones that look interesting. I may read them immediately, start them and find they don’t fit at the moment, or shelve them until I find the right time.

As I look back on my last five to six years of reading, I can see the seasons: Business strategy, marketing. motivation, purpose, parenting, finding myself, overcoming bullshit (my word for trauma), and moving on.

So, rather than give you a top ten list, here is my 2022 reading list so far:

Saving Grace: Speak Your Truth, Stay Centered, and Learn to Coexist with People Who Drive You Nuts

Psychopath Free (Expanded Edition): Recovering from Emotionally Abusive Relationships With Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Other Toxic People

Disarming the Narcissist: Surviving and Thriving with the Self-Absorbed

Clarity & Connection


Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving

Your Happiness Was Hacked: Why Tech Is Winning the Battle to Control Your Brain—and How to Fight Back

Metahuman: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential

Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World

The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward

Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything

Eat Smarter: Use the Power of Food to Reboot Your Metabolism, Upgrade Your Brain, and Transform Your Life

Guitar Zero: The New Musician and the Science of Learning

The Mindbody Prescription: Healing the Body, Healing the Pain

The Gifts of Imperfection, 10th Anniversary Edition: Features a New Foreword

Welcome Home: A Guide to Building a Home for Your Soul

I listened to these books by John Kim in a week (they are that good):

I Used to Be a Miserable F*ck: An Everyman’s Guide to a Meaningful Life

The Angry Therapist

Single on Purpose: Redefine Everything. Find Yourself First.

It’s Not Me, It’s You: Break the Blame Cycle. Relationship Better.

I’ve read or listened to each of these. It’s up to you how you best digest the information but I do have recommendations for a few:

  • Purchase the hardcopies of Clarity & Connection and Inward by Yung Pueblo. They are a collection of poetry and short prose that are best seen on a physical page. I leave these books on my coffee table and pick one up whenever I have a moment.
  • Listen to any of the John Kim books. He narrates himself and communicates the emotion of what he’s describing.
  • The physical copy of Eat Smarter is good because it’s easy to dog-ear pages or highlight important points. But he also does a good job narrating the book.