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Yes, I always feel I can’t get enough done with my week.
Limited Energy and Physical Limitations slow me down too.
I try to Define my Day, but also miss many days with my Planner.
Because I know I am not getting my real To Do’s Done,
and Mentally do not want to face it in writing.
I hear you. Give yourself grace. Self-compassion, as we talked about in this podcast, is a big part of this process. When I find myself not getting things done, I explore it. Why not? Is it avoidance? Do I really not care/is it not really important to me? Am I in need of some healing or rest first? I spent a lot of time not “getting things done” and instead turned to working on myself… exploring why I felt certain ways, taking care of myself, healing old wounds. It’s amazing how much more energy and focus I have after doing that.
First time listener and really found this valuable
Thank you!
Very good Listen ❤️i so need to plan and time out my days better . i have a Special needs son with Autism and it’s a lot in itself . anyways i wanted to comment cuz i so need a planner !!!! LOL . but seriously i enjoyed listening . i related to a lot of things and actually started back journaling, so thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you Lisa!!! Please leave me a positive 5-star review on your favorite podcasting app! We’re also giving away some planners to people who comment on our Facebook and IG posts this month soooo… 😉 😉