Start Your Day With Intention

Recently, a few Define My Day users started a book club in the user group. After some discussion, they ended up choosing The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. So far, they are about 6 chapters in and, after watching their discussion, I decided to go back and listen to the...

Experimenting With My Ideal Day

I’ve been experimenting with my Ideal Day. Specifically, I’ve been trying to get more sleep by sleeping in longer to see if I felt better. It hasn’t worked and I think it has to do with my chronotype… my natural sleep cycle. My Morning...

Priorities and Pressure

A common problem many people have when starting Define My Day is determining what is truly a priority. It may feel overwhelming or that EVERYTHING is a priority. It can be very hard to sort through the noise in the beginning. That’s ok. It’s a learning...

Develop Rhythm and Momentum

One of the most important benefits of a daily routine is the sense of rhythm that you gain from it. Beyond the habits and efficiencies, there is a feeling of momentum that is hard to stop. The longer and faster you go, the better it feels. In the beginning, when a...

Don’t Overthink It

Have you ever sat down, ready to work, and nothing happens? You don’t know where to start. In the dizzying array of potential things to do, nothing is bright or loud enough to grab your attention and scream, “I NEED TO BE DONE NOW!”   It feels...

Minimize Distractions to Gain Productivity

Distractions are some of our biggest enemies as we navigate our days. They stop us from focusing on what’s important, cost valuable time, and can cause anxiety and overwhelm as our list of things to do pile up. Distractions are all around us. They come in the...