Sometimes We Need to Break the Routine

Sometimes We Need to Break the Routine

  I’m always a little amazed every time I learn something new through using the Define My Day planner. This process is ever-evolving for me. We are never the same person from day-to-day. Always changing and finding something new, so the process is always...
Protect Your Time and Attention

Protect Your Time and Attention

What you see and hear impacts you more than you know. Do you have that person that pops up on your Facebook feed that just gets under your skin? Maybe it even gets you agitated or angry? Me too. Ever have that feeling linger? Yep, me too. Ever engage in an argument...
Our Small Business Story

Our Small Business Story

Have you heard this one before? I was… …approaching 40. … miserable. …on the verge of divorce. …never home to see my kids. …overworked, stressed, and unhealthy. How Define My Day Started On the surface, things looked good. I owned a...
People Create Their Own Problems

People Create Their Own Problems

Over a twenty four hour period this weekend, I came in contact with two very different men. The first person I met is living a life most people would dream of. Money, fame, family, and a sense of purposeful giving that made all his hard work worthwhile. He has faults...
Our 9/11 Request…

Our 9/11 Request…

There has been a meme going around about missing Sept 12th. That was a day we were all Americans united by tragedy. Motivated by pain we came together to fight a common enemy and help those suffering. Then, that motivation faded as it always does and we find ourselves...

Start Your Day With Intention

Recently, a few Define My Day users started a book club in the user group. After some discussion, they ended up choosing The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. So far, they are about 6 chapters in and, after watching their discussion, I decided to go back and listen to the...