Meditation – The Next Daily Habit

Meditation may be the most important habit not included in the Define My Day list of vital behaviors. There are numerous health benefits associated with meditation. Unfortunately, something as simple as a mind exercise has been lost in the busy-ness of the day.   Here...

Don’t Climb The Wrong Ladder

When you started your professional life, you may have done everything by the book. You went to school, you got good grades, you went into a great profession. While working in that profession, you took on every task. You worked hard, worked late, and the results were...
Break the Addiction to Feeling Busy

Break the Addiction to Feeling Busy

When I first started using the Define My Day method, I had, on more than one occasion, found myself feeling like I wasn’t working hard enough. I was being crazy, here’s why. I laid out my priorities. I identified my to-do list. Then, I finished my...