5 Things to Do Before You Leave for Work

Your morning is the most important part of your day. It sets the tone. Attitude, energy, and focus are all set by how you begin your morning. Here are 5 things to do before leaving the house that will help you make the most of your day. 1. Wake Up On Time Wake up with...

Make a Habit of Success

Are you making a habit of success or failure? Do you make commitments to yourself and others and frequently follow through? Or, do you repeat the same frustrating scenarios over and over? It may be as simple as not waking up on time, not reading the book you meant to...
The Top Five Personal Development Books That Can Change Your Life

The Top Five Personal Development Books That Can Change Your Life

I credit reading with a significant portion of my personal growth over the past few years. I wish I had started reading sooner. In fact, it’s probably one of my biggest regrets. I didn’t get into reading personal development books, or any books for that matter until I...

Conserve Your Most Valuable Resource

Time is our most important resource. With more time, we can be with our loved ones, work for more money, enjoy more experiences, and relax more. But, to get all of those things, we must spend time. The cruel joke is that we never know how much we have left. Can you...

Discipline is the Key to Success

Discipline is what will get you closer to your goals. The fact of the matter is the people that succeed most often have disciplined routines, processes, and habits. Every so often, you hear about someone that got lucky but, for the most part, it’s the people...