Defining Life Podcast | 5/22/23 Live Broadcast Replay

Using Define My Day with Depression

Using Define My Day with Depression

Depression sucks. The lack of energy, the overwhelm… the feelings of low self-worth. It’s like being in a dense fog and not knowing, or even having the energy to, move in the right direction. So, you sit in place or maybe even walk in circles –...
Working Through Hard Times

Working Through Hard Times

Ever have work to do but some awful, or even traumatic, event just seems to overshadow it all? You can’t even think about work during these hard times.  You don’t want to do anything but (maybe) distract yourself. But life is still happening around you....
Refocus on Monday

Refocus on Monday

It’s easy to get swept up in doing the next thing. I feel it all the time.  I want to keep momentum and I’m also in the “doing” mode so I just keep going.  The last thing I want to do is stop because I feel like I’ll never start again....